Health Services

The Environmental Health Officer is responsible for the implementation of the Health Act and other related legislation, in particular food handling and control legislation applicable to shops and eating-places.

The Environmental Health Officer also controls other general health matters relating to home building. Septic systems cannot be installed in any part of the Shire without the prior approval of the Environmental Health Officer. Application forms are available at the Shire office on request.

Mosquito Control

To assist in controlling mosquitoes, the following preventative measures can be taken:

  • Ensure that duct vents to plumbing installations are fitted with a mosquito cowl;
  • Remove all rubbish which may hold water from around the yard ie: old drums, tyres and disused containers;
  • Ensure all gutters are clean;
  • Ensure that water tanks have a properly fitted lid and treat water with paraffin or kerosene in sufficient quantity to provide a film of oil across the surface.