There are currently no Tender or Expression of Interest opportunities.
The Shire’s Tender Register can be found below and is included to meet the provisions of the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 Part 4 Division 2 (r17).
Tender No. BHT 01/2020 Supply and seal, full service bitumen products
Tender No. BHT 02/2020 Supply of one grader
Tender No. BHT 03/2020 Supply of one backhoe loader
Tender Register 2021
Tender BHT 01/2021 Broomehill Townscape Project
Tender BHT 02/2021 Tambellup Town Square Project
Tender BHT 03/2021 Supply and seal, full service bitumen products
Tender BHT 04/20216 Wheel Dual Tip Truck